From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 23:35:56 PST
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, James Nichols wrote:
> With an MP2100 - just what can I do with an IrDa /IrTalk capable mac?
> I have an original Powerbook G3 - supports both irDa and irTalk,
> running os 9.
You can use Thomas Tempelmann's DIL Tester to bootstrap your Newton (i.e.
to install NIE and required drivers for your Wavelan card).
Then go on over AppleTalk or TCP/IP.
> infrared? Or will I have to dig up a serial cable from somewhere? (and
> should the wifi fall through, can I sync with todo/calendar/names/notes
> with anything in os 9 via infrared?)
DILTester won't let you synchronize anything. To do that, you could use
NCU over AppleTalk.
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