From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 11:26:32 PST
Hello fellow Newtonians,
I've just taken a good look at MPG, which is used by quite some people on
this list, I understand.
Unfortunately, my car's odometer doesn't do miles, but kilometres, which
wouldn't be as bad a problem (e.g. just enter the number of km driver and
don't worry about silly labels), if the whole consumption math wouldn't be
based on filling the tank with gallons of gas, not litres. Such a nice
product, but I can't find any option to change these
values/counters/labels. Arrrgh!
Q: Is there any way to toggle the gas counter from gallons to liters, and
maybe miles to km?
Yours in Newtonian vehicular mobility,
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