From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 09:49:06 PST
>From: "Jim Staub" <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Indispensable Software for a 2100
>Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 17:40:47 -0800
>I've found the software I use the most are:
> Books -- download from Gutenberg and convert to .pkg via Press.
Jim, you *are* aware of my books offer, no?
It went like this:
" You send me a nice and tasty .zip or .sit which contains the original,
unaltered textsource you created your Newton eBook from, plus a .pkg for
every platform (Newton Press offers Classic, Universal, MP2-Portrait,
MP2k-Landscape, MP2k-2UP, eMate-Portrait, eMate-Landscape, emate-2UP).
And if I don't have this book already (and I have a LOT of the stuff
that's already out there, so be sure not just to grab something somebody
else did...), you'll get the same back, just barbarian-flavored (another
hint: see my recent Christmas Craze, it's like *three* of those stories in
one book)."
If interested, send me stuff. ;=}
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