From: John Osborne (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 18:11:08 PST
Sorry, I hit the send button on that before I did a proof read.
Try this:
Whenever, I have anything plugged into the serial dongle, handwriting
recognition and most any drawing (e.g., shapes) just quits working. At
most you get the the first stroke of a letter and that's it. You can
still tap buttons and controls to operate the machine but you can't
drag any dialogs (slips?) around the screen. Is this normal behavior?
On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 05:53 PM, John Osborne wrote:
> Hi,
> Whenever, I have anything plugged into the serial dongle, handwriting
> recognition and most any drawing just quits. At most you get the the
> first stroke of a letter and that's it. You can still tab buttons and
> controls to operate the machine but you drag any dialogs (around) the
> screen. Is this normal behavior?
> oz
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