Re: [NTLK] internally stored vs. card storage

From: Dan (
Date: Thu Jan 29 2004 - 09:08:09 PST

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Parker
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: [NTLK] internally stored vs. card storage

Notepad overview displays an item's internal or card storage location. I'd
love to be able to see a subset of notepad items showing only those items
stored on cards. Can my Newt do that?

Alternatively, can the Newt sort the notepad list by store?

Are all date entries all saved internally?

Are all names entries all saved internally?

Doug Parker
Well you can't view in the notepad via storage locations. About the best
you can do is go through and view them by folders. That will break the job
down somewhat (that is if you were sorting by various folders in the first
place). Perhaps there is a extension that allows for this, but I personally
don't know of one (perhaps someone else on the list will know of such a

As for dates/names storage, it depends on your settings. The Newt allows
for storage of almost everything anywhere (some packages only allow storage
to internal, but usually that is just preferences and system information
anyway). If you check the "save new items to card" in the card slip, then
new data you create (notes, names, dates, todos, 3rd party data such as
email, net hoper etc) will be placed on the card. The only exception is if
the package allows for a override in its user preferences, if that is
enabled then it will only save to internal store (or if the package only
allows saving to internal storage, but as I said that is rare)


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