From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sat Jan 31 2004 - 06:08:18 PST
>From: "Eric Jones" <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] OT-New PowerMac G5 available?
>Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:52:42 -0600
>I've got a computer setup in my vehicle, but unfortunately it's not Newton
>(yet :) The vehicle is a 1959 Ford Fairlane, so I installed a modern
>alternator to handle the additional power draw. System is a Pentium3 wintel
>box that I built from spare parts and a PocketPC (iPAQ 2215). The pocketpc
>uses destinator GPS and is mounted on the dash. It's wired by ethernet cat5
>to the windoze box in the trunk, which is really nothing more than a
>fileserver for ripped DVD's (all legal) music, etc. I thought about the
>sensors/gas consumption but don't quite know how to do that, especially not
>with a car that old with no integrated electronics.
Well, the rpm/consumption side would probably have to be generated from
analyzing statistical data (maybe like this: take trip data from fueling to
fueling like x time at this rpm bandwidth, y time at that, z time at that,
calculate consumption during x + y + z, then weigh consumption data of
several such trips by most-occured rpm bandwidths, something like that).
Measuring the rpm - there's kits for rpm displays that have clamps that
you just clip over the cable to the spark plugs, takes the electronic
impluse per induction. If you could put this onto something that feeds the
number of impluses to serial or Bluetooth...
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