From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sat Jan 31 2004 - 05:47:40 PST
>From: "Dan" <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Freezing
>Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 13:48:28 -0500
>Yes that is it. It also saves heap (equivalent to RAM in a desktop) because
>even if a package is not *running* it is still using heap. So if you have a
>lot of packages it adds up and it is best to freeze the ones you are not
>using. Freezing is not enabled by default however and the easiest way to
>enable it is to get SBMOptions, it will enable freezing and has some other
>nice features. It is on UNNA at
>When freezing is enabled, select a package (tap and hold till you hear the
>squeek on the package you want to freeze) then tap the routing (envelope) at
>the bottom and select freeze and it will turn into a snowflake (showing that
>it is froze). Thawing is normally done when the package is taped again.
Really good fun is freezing with ICS NewtCase. If you tap a frozen package,
it'll thaw, run, and after closing the app refreezes all by itself!
Also you can define sets that get frozen together, thawed together and
start one core app when clicking on an alias-icon. E.g. you have GPS Map
Lite with all bells and whistles installed. It's all hibernating, and when
you tap a icon, all the parts get thawed and GPS Map Lite runs. This way,
all apps take up no heap as long as you don't use them, but all bits and
pieces will be there when you need it. (Downside: Freezing and thawing adds
a few secs to opening and closing an app.)
Also you can define stuff to run at reboot or/and at wake-up, to be frozen
or thawed at either event - single packages, sets, whatever. NewtCase is -
forgive the lame pun - cool.
P.S.: After installing Tactile PackageBeeper, which also activates freezing
(and gives audible notification after package downloads have completed,
nice for large files or batch installs), I found the freezing thing a bit
disturbed on my NOS 2.0 device. Anything newly frozen would get the
snowflake as icon, not it's original icon grayed out with a tiny snowflake
like before with NewtCase. To run it I had to thaw it first with one click,
which moved the packages without fail from it's location into the unfiled
folder. There, another tap started the app, of course closing it did NOT
refreeze it.
I disabled the freeze-option in PackageBeeper (didn't know it had one),
but still same behaviour. When installing, it apparently also set the
freeze-flag in SBM Options. After disabling it there, too, my Newton's
freezing was back to normal.
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