Re: [NTLK] PDF Reader for the Newton

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Nov 03 2005 - 13:07:00 PST

Subject: Re: [NTLK] PDF Reader for the Newton
From: Grant Hutchinson <grant () splorp ! com>
Date: 2005-05-26 21:49:44

Beating an old horse once more, but now with a new whip maybe, so bear
with me:

On May 25, 2005, at 3:20 PM, Dan wrote:

>> Is there a good PDF reader for the Newton and is so
>> how I can I upload the PDF files to the messagepad?

I have found something about "BanzaiReader" and "PictDoubler". From
what I
understand, PictDoubler preprocesses the PDF, which is then mangled
NewtonPress to create special oversized Newton books for BanzaiReader
on the
Newton. (See below for some details.)

Does anybody know or have this tool? How does it differ from other
PDF-to-Newton solutions (e.g. PDFConvert by Hendrik Lipka/Eric Schneck)?

>> This has been discussed many times on the list before,
>> I suggest looking at the archives...

NTLK archive says about BanzaiReader and PictDoubler: "No hits found"

> The ever expanding WikiWikiNewt has a good overview of techniques
> and information regarding converting documents - including PDF.

Doesn't say anything (yet) about BanzaiReader and PictDoubler, either.

Anybody know more about this?


P.S.: I'm constantly finding new applications that totally stun me,
many of them from the very first Newton years when NTK was really
expensive. Often they are small, simple and brilliant. And forgotten.
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 01:30:30 -0700
Subject: [*] PictDoubler (pdf files to save the newton)

        More freeware to "save the newton".
        This can prepare high res typeset pict files for my BanzaiReader on
newton, in particular pdf files.
        Select Print2Pict in chooser and printout your typeset document.
        Click on this application and the pictframes of print2pict output
pict files will double in size in new files with oldfilename plus
suffix. Then you can drag these new pict files into newton press to
rasterize at double resolution. This doubling is a good rule to observe
without the jaggies on the newton. I had to do some elaborate stuff with
clarisdraw to prepare picts before.
        Jennifer Deason had inspired this :
        the main thing I was wondering is if you have given any thought to
developing a .PDF viewer? I have contacted adobe about possible Newton
projects, and they said they have no current plans to support the
Newton. I
recieve a lot of .PDF files and skip/browse then because they are
troublesome to read on my Mac. But if I could read .PDFs on my Newton I
have plenty of time during my morning commute to thoughly read them.
you contacted Adobe or considered this anvenue of development?

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