Re: [NTLK] [OT] Root Kits on Mac?

From: Norman Palardy (
Date: Thu Nov 10 2005 - 14:57:31 PST

On Nov 10, 2005, at 2:54 PM, Ed Kummel wrote:

> While I don't believe that the intension was to install malware onto
> unsuspecting user's computers, it is the complete lack of
> understanding from Sony's part and their sheer audacity in believing
> that they had the right to place software on your machine without
> *EXPLICIT* permission and their belief that no one would mind and
> their hope that no one would (hence the stealth capabilities of the
> application) and their complete trust that the application developed
> by a company controlled by another sony executive crony leads to a
> comedy of errors! It's like the perfect storm, individually, these
> issues above are not deal breakers...but together? Oh
> better believe it!
> For me, this is just one more reason to avoid Sony products now and
> for the future...uh-uh...I'm not drinking that kool-ade! And I know
> that it hurts me because I admit...Sony has some really cool things,
> and being the gadget lover I am, not allowing myself to play with Sony
> stuff really causes me stress! But I have my principles and stick by
> them unless their intention is proven to be valuable to me,
> individually. In fact, I price myself on not owning a single item that
> has the sony logo on it!
> Ed
I don't think the intent was to install malware either, but they have
surreptitiously installed some, and now people are being affected by it
and by hackers taking advantage of it

Sony has gone from "dumb move" to about as stupid as they can get

Will be interesting to see what the reaction is

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