Re: [NTLK] BookMaker help

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 10:56:06 PST

Subject: Re: [NTLK] BookMaker help
From: Alex_Le? <alexleao () gmail ! com>
Date: 2005-11-16 22:48:03

>> I wish that were a real possibility at last! And Bookmaker has SO many
>> cool features to design stuff that is more like an application than a
>> mere book (haven't seen anybody applying that in ages, though...
>> would be great to have more folks exploring that)!
> Yep, this is the exactly point where I want to go. I'm trying to
> explore those cool features, specially the layout and kiosk tricks.

Brilliant! Can't wait to see what you come up with...

> I found a way! And Dan and you was right: BM crashes looks like a
> problem with rtf formats. So I reboot the OS9 with the "Base"
> extensions + the NTK ones and generated a RTF file with Claris Works
> 4... and voila! BM worked smooth with the "Claris" RTF. The BM adopt
> the XTND translator that the Claris Works install, so the RTF
> incompatibility was exterminated.

Very good!

> I have the NewtonPress, got some success, but it crashes a lot!

I found that, too. But it crashes less if you format all in an text
processor, and then only create the table of content and title in Press.
Maybe fix some breaks or add another space after italicized text.
    And whenever I've created a new TOC entry, I hit ctrl + s to save,
the cursor jumps from the TOC window to the book window WITHOUT
This way, every completed previous chapter gets saved, I have MUCH less
crashes and the whole thing works great for me.

> I wrote a horror story some time ago (sorry, I tryied to join the
> Newton Halloween, but not got a decent translation *portuguese -->
> english* in time). Now I want to publish a "deluxe" NewtonBook to play
> with (still in portuguese - I'm afraid, as you can see in my few words
> in this email, that my horror story transforms in a comedy if I try
> the translation my self :^).

Man, that's gonna be the next big thing in Hollywood: Portuguese Horror
Comedies! Like telenovelas crossed with sitcoms, only with chainsaws!

Serious, maybe you could complete your translation (maybe any
Portuguese or
Brazilians who could help? Hello Luiz Petroni, are you still there?)
and find an
editor here... Any takers?
Then you could do a bilingual edition, that would be great.

> Thank you again Mr. 'Kasko! I will let you know when the horror book
> were in a library near you.

Excellent, I'm looking forward to be reading you soon.


P.S.: Talking Halloween Challenge--I match Alex' book effort and have
Monster Nation up on the Library shelf at
lloween%202005/ . It's the second volume in David Wellington's Trilogy
of a
Undead epidemic. Though its events take place BEFORE Monster Island,
Nation should be read as the second book, I think. You can also read
book on your cell phone or your iPod, check
NOTE: Those are (well-written and, uh, gripping) horror novels, and
they are
very gory and contain graphical textual violence (or however that is
these days). Not for the faint of heart.

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