[NTLK] TCP/IP Connection help...

From: Jason Steven (jsteven1_at_gmail.com)
Date: Thu Nov 24 2005 - 12:24:56 PST

I recently aquired an eMate after owning an OMP and MP130 a few years back.
I've been having issues connecting the eMate to my 12" Powerbook by
either Appletalk or TCP/IP.
I have all of the right drivers and I was able to connect it to my
friend's IIfx by both Appletalk and Serial. Thanks to him I put all
of the ethernet drivers and TCP/IP doc on it.
I was able to connect using Appletalk once and only once completely at
random. I haven't touched the settings since, but it hasn't worked
since. (And I wasn't able to do squat while connected...)

What IP should I use? When I run ifconfig in terminal it gives me a
few IP addresses.
en0: inet=3D192.168.2.1 broadcast=3D192.168.2.255
en1: inet=3D192.168.0.2 broadcast=3D192.168.0.255

I'm assuming that en1 is the airport since that number changes
depending on my connection. I've both tried to connect directly to
the powerbook's ethernet port. I've connected the eMate to my netgear
router and tried to connect to the PB's airport card, and I've
connected both the eMate and PB to the router. Nothing seems to work.
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?


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