Date: Wed Nov 30 2005 - 17:48:47 PST
Thank you, Marty, for the warm accolades. I feel I may speak for many on this list when I say I appreciate the work that folks like you, DJ, Victor, Frank, etc, do to keep the green flowing, too!
An "unnamed benefactor" has stepped forward to offer me access to a number of Newton software user manuals. I did not know that a digitized (.PDF format) manual existed for X-Port, AvailWorks, and a few others. That will save me some effort, but I WILL work to complete the illustrated eBook version of the AvailWorks user manual (70% done with illustrations!) After that, I'll probably take a look at one of the database apps, such as FilePad, etc. Folks, step up and make your needs known. What app would be considered valued documentation to have digitized?
So many doc projects, so many possibilities. One thing's for sure. It looks like we'll be assured of continuing access to this knowledge base for some time!
Matt K.
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