Re: [NTLK] Newton bluetooth news

From: James Nichols <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 2006 - 01:01:46 EDT

-48406 error when I first tried to open the package - I had just
deleted Blunt and Bluetooth setup, and not yet rebooted. I also had
forgotten to remove the Bluetooth Devices the Soup.

I next removed the soup (by scrubbing it out in the Storage section
of Extras), the new bluetooth setup package, and rebooted before re-
installing Blunt 2.

I am now able to open the Bluetooth Setup package. In preferences
tapping the driver picker gives me a -48418 error, and there is no
name listed for the current driver selection. Changing the other
settings in the preferences have no effect on this. It DID however
find my old settings for discovery time, Speed, Location and Device
Name, despite my having scrubbed out the storage entry. I poked
around with the program Pie-Chart while all traces of Blunt and
Blunt2 were off of my system, and couldn't find any evidence of any
blunt related soups.

Whenever I try to press the Test or Start buttons I get the -48406
error again.

I am using an Ambicom BT2000-CF bluetooth card (purple antenna) in
the Ambicom branded PCMCIA-CF adapter in my mp2100. This card has
worked mostly problem free with Blunt 1. I am assuming for now that
my problem is that I am not using a PICO card.

J. Tyler Nichols

On Aug 13, 2006, at 7:43 PM, Adriano wrote:

> Some of you are happily using bluetooth to estabilish file transfers
> between Newton and their desktops,
> thanks to Blunt and Pico bluetooth cards acquired through the
> Bluetooth for newbies initiative.
> Although maybe most of you are already aware of it, i would love to
> make some echoes about the amazing news
> that Eckhart Köppen, the great developer who wrote the bluetooth
> drivers for Newton (Blunt) has published
> a new version of his software: Blunt2!!! A test package is available
> here
> Please test it, and leave your comments here on NTLK or where you are
> used to.
> Then available for download from the "Bluetooth for newbies" webpage
> are now also available:
> - Pico Card manual in english
> - Updated Window98 installer
> - Updated Window2000 installer
> - Updated WindowNT installer
> - An "How-to" to get deeper into Pico's cards features
> Newton Bluetooth on Notwen's website
> Kind regards,
> Adriano Angelillis
> This is the NewtonTalk list - for all
> inquiries
> Official Newton FAQ:
> WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
> wikiwikinewt/

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Received on Mon Aug 14 01:03:31 2006

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