28/dic/06 Zwerling wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback. I was pretty sure my idea was impractical. I
> had a reasonable arrangement with the modem card and old cell phone,
> but that is no longer an option. Old cell phones don't stand up like
> old Newtons! I was hoping for a a900 cable that would attach the
> phone to my card modem, but that does not appear to exist, nor have I
> found any diagrams for making one.
If the phone would have a serial port and you would be able to build
an adapter,
you would still need a dedicated app on Newton I think.
> <snip>
> Well, I know all the advantages of a move to a 2100: more processor,
> more memory, more connectivity options, but I have always liked the
> size, feel and functionality of the 130.
Often happens that friends who have never heard about Newton, Inc
they take a look at the MessagePads on my workbench, and the reports
are always the same: the MP130 appears to be the most evolved device
of its category.
So I have to say that the MP2100 is the Lamborghini of PDAs, but they
insist on saying
that the MP130 has a more accurate other than beautiful design....
....and I completely agree.
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