Re: [NTLK] Serial board install question

From: Karel Jansens <>
Date: Mon May 15 2006 - 17:37:19 EDT

James Fraser schreef:
> Hello Everyone,
> Is it possible for a serial board to be installed without causing a bulge or
> otherwise imperiling the Newton case plastics?
>>From what I can tell, some folks who had this item installed at one time
> went on to develop problems later on. However, there have since been some
> worthy suggestions made as to how a "bulge" might be avoided or minimized.
> I guess I'm wondering if people implementing those suggestions have since
> enjoyed an angst-free user experience.
> I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of having such a device installed in
> the future. On the one hand, I understand that constantly
> plugging/unplugging the serial dongle might be bad for the mobo. On the
> other, having a serial board installed might help save the mobo, only to
> cause other difficulties.
> Don't get me wrong: I'm amazed that such a cool aftermarket device was
> developed at all. And admittedly there are pros and cons to almost any
> technical innovation. It's just that I'd like to get a better grasp of any
> risks involved before I tale the plunge myself.

No, but I've found it is possible to minimize bulging (never thought I'd
use /that/ kind of phrasing!) by leaving out the screw and washer that
are most to the centre of your Newton. In my case(s) at least, the
boards were more than sufficiently zecured by the remaining screw, the
contacts and the plug. None ever fell off. :)

Karel Jansens

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