~~~ On 2006/09/02 20:30, Karel Jansens at kareljansens@tiscalinet.be wrote
> Javier Monllor schreef:
>> Thanks guys,
>> Tovi
> Ahh, the little ones. So easily pleased...
> ;-)
> Karel Jansens
Don't mock us Karel; after spending our lives in the wilderness of DITHWALI
("Do It The Hard Way And Like It!"), the relief and joy of using something
that was designed properly, and of discovering just how well done it really
is, can induce an ecstatic state not unlike intoxication, as well as various
twitchings and other movements collectively known as the "Newton Happy
Don't be so jaded, dude! The Newt really is better than sliced bread!
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
łAny sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a NewtonPad.˛
-- in appreciation of Arthur C. Clarke
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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