It sounds like you may have 'jaggies'. If so you may see distortion
even when drawing. If you see the trail of a line being drawn move
away from the stylus tip and back, this is likely the problem rather
than a handwriting recognition problem.
A search of the archives will discover several remedies, though in my
case replacing the digitizer was the successful solution.
It seems that it is related to something either pressing against one
or more edges of the touch-screen, a defective touch-screen or a
weakness of contact between the touchscreen leads and the logic board
Some have reported success with cleaning between the front of the
case and the touchscreen with a thin plastic card. Others have found
that the case is distorted and a physical twist corrects the
problem. Shaving material away from the underside of the front of
the case especially on the latch side has helped some and cleaning
the contacts between the logic board and the digitizer ribbon and
reversing the contact pressure pad has helped others.
Good luck
On Aug 4, 2007, at 6:49 PM, Steve Trotter wrote:
> Hi
> I'm having a LOT of trouble with hand writing lately.
> I can write a few letters, "a" "b" then the next letter "o" but the
> screen messes up the letter, and the next--"u" and the next "t"
> "Messes
> up" means it's garbled and unreadable by me and the 2100.
> I've tried resetting. Tried cold starting/brain kill. Nothing.
> It is sometimes better in NewtonWorks--and always bad in Notes. No
> consistency on that.
> I've tried tweaking HWR settings. Done more training: in the box the
> letters will scramble, too.
> Any suggestions?
> many thanks.
> ST
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