Re: [NTLK] NewtNotes vs. CardMedia

From: Mr Jonathan Dueck <>
Date: Sat Feb 03 2007 - 12:12:11 EST

Hi, Dave,

CardMedia looks like a possible handy solution!

I'm an academic who uses the Newton a lot, for both
note-taking and writing.

Here's my current strategy:
I use Bookends 9 (a great program!) as my bibliography
manager, and Nisus Writer Express 2.7 (similarly
great, and a new one's coming up) as my WP on the Mac

I export the entire Bookends database in its citation
format (which basically looks like this: {Author
Unique Details} ) to a text file, which I sort
alphabetically, and then keep on the Newton as a
Paperback book (indexed into chapters alphabetically).

I use Tasks to run that Paperback in the background
while I edit with NewtonWorks in the foreground, and I
can copy and paste references as needed, in citation
manager format.

I also keep all footnotes as code, whether in
NewtonWorks or in Nisus: <fn>Footnote</fn>. Before I
send off a paper from the Desktop side, I use Nobumi's
Footnote macros to convert these to real footnotes (or
endnotes, as the journal would like).

(Here's the URL for Nobumi:
(Or TinyURL:

There's one obvious link missing in my system: I can't
create a new bibliographic record on the Newton side
and upload it to the Mac. In order to do this with
NewtNotes, I'd have to use a PowerPC Mac (not my fancy
new Intel Mac) or Windows, with a version of (the
expensive) Endnote. (I believe it'd have to be an old
version of Endnote too.)

One option for developing this capability might be to
develop a VCF export / import for Bookends, and to use
Cardmedia. (That's interesting!) I haven't used
CardMedia, but it seems like it's integrated with the
Address Book, and we can send and receive Address Book
entries as VCF cards using Blunt or IrObEx, right?
That might be one avenue of use...

Oh yes, and if you're in the sciences, there's a LaTeX
interpreter out there that can read your equation
code, might be handy too.


--- Dave Bellamy <> wrote:

> Hi all
> I was wondering if anyone had any experiences (good,
> bad or
> indifferent) with either NewtNotes or CardMedia.
> Specifically I am
> looking at how effective they are in an academic
> context. As part of
> my postgraduate studies I plan to use my Newt as the
> primary method
> for capturing research information, as well as
> taking notes and
> keeping track of classes and deadlines. The Newton
> is the ideal
> device for this kind of activity.
> This topic has been talked about before, "The
> Postgraduate Newton" by
> Geoffrey Klingsporn. However, although he made
> mention of integration
> with bibliography management tools he also noted
> that [at the time]
> there was no mechanism to integrate the Newt with
> desktop apps such
> as EndNote. NewtNotes appears to be an app that
> specifically acts as
> the mobile companion to EndNote on your desktop.
> However it is not
> cheap (US$80) and CardMedia (free) appears to have
> the potential to
> serve a similar function. CardMedia does not have
> the sophisticated
> integration with EndNote however.
> I am concerned that NewtNotes may well not work with
> the newer
> versions of EndNote (I am running OS9 on my faithful
> Pismo so it
> would be EN version 4 or 5) or that the application
> is useable, worth
> the money or indeed still supported by Catamount.
> Any experiences the Newt community has with these
> applications would
> be of great interest to me.
> Kind Regards
> Dave
> Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
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