On 1/7/07, Wes <wes.frazier@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is important to note that the BSD OpenSource license...
There seems to be more questions than answers about; the source of the code,
the nature of the license, the status of the software, and the status of the
author/distributor, than there are answers. Is it open source or not?
Which open source license applies? Is it abandonware? Is the owner/writer
even still alive? What is the status of his ownership if he is dead?
Until there are some answers, nothing conclusive can be derived from this
discussion. We can rehash legal and moral issues until the cows come home,
but until and unless this Hiroshi person steps forward and tells us how and
where he got the code and/or gives us all permission to use his work without
registering it, we are sailing unknown waters both morally and legally in
doing so with any hack or workaround.
I gather from the heated nature of this discussion that this particular
driver is of major importance to the Newton community. I am completely
unfamiliar with it, being a paranoid old goat who does not trust wireless
for security reasons. That said, I will bow out of this discussion as I
have said all I have to say on the subject.
PS: to William who posted while I was typing this... you are correct, but
is there any practical difference? I pay, say five dollars for a
DamnSmallLinux distribution disk. I now have the disk and the software. I
can pretty much do as I wish with it.
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