On 2007-okt-14, at 11:34, Jon Glass wrote:
> On 10/14/07, Bob Chen <bobchenc@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the preference of NewtSync I cannot seem to set the Default
>> calender to iCal. so consequently no syncing of dates. Also there
>> seems to be some errors in my addresses that cause the program to
>> terminate by itself. Maybe I need to remove some addresses?
> Notes in your Address Book cards. Supposedly, you are allowed 100
> characters, but I found that more than a few characters would cause
> the sync to fail.
Having more than one e-mail address for a person results in the
program bombing. Here's the patch:
diff -rc newtsync 0.3.3/SyncAddressBook.m /Volumes/nSync0.3.3-src/
*** newtsync 0.3.3/SyncAddressBook.m Sat Jul 23 23:13:00 2005
--- /Volumes/nSync0.3.3-src/SyncAddressBook.m Fri Nov 12 18:07:53 2004
*** 327,332 ****
--- 327,333 ----
- (void)populateFieldsInABRecord:(ABPerson *)theABRecord
id newtonValue;
+ id subValue;
ABMutableMultiValue *multiValue;
NSDictionary *dictValue;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
*** 384,401 ****
if ((newtonValue = [theNewtonRecord
objectForKey:@"emailAddrs"]) && ([newtonValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]])) {
enumerator = [newtonValue objectEnumerator];
while (obj = [enumerator nextObject]) {
! // 20050723 Andy Beals
! // ensureString returns (NSString *) from (id)
! NSString *subValue;
! if (![obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary
class]]) break; // 20050723 Andy Beals: done
! // 20050723 Andy Beals
! // Proper parens (and paying attention to
compiler warnings) ensures that Newton Names
! // entries with two (or more) email addresses
don't blow up nSync!
! if ((subValue = [[self myNewton] ensureString:
[obj objectForKey:@"email"]])
// 040322 Nowhere Man
// this additional condition will
// stop it from tripping over null email addresses
! && (![subValue isEqualToString:@""]) )
[multiValue addValue:subValue
--- 385,395 ----
if ((newtonValue = [theNewtonRecord
objectForKey:@"emailAddrs"]) && ([newtonValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]])) {
enumerator = [newtonValue objectEnumerator];
while (obj = [enumerator nextObject]) {
! if (subValue = [[self myNewton] ensureString:
[obj objectForKey:@"email"]]
// 040322 Nowhere Man
// this additional condition will
// stop it from tripping over null email addresses
! && ![subValue isEqualToString: @""] )
[multiValue addValue:subValue
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Received on Sun Oct 14 14:46:17 2007
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