~~~ On 2008/05/13 15:00, McHugh Frank at madmax_2069@yahoo.com wrote ~~~
> i wasnt trying to make anyone mad or mad at me when i
> made this topic nor was i talking bad about any of the
> newton developers or the software they wrote.
> Frank
Speaking only for myself, I choose to be 'angry' -- not quite the right word
-- at the incredible short-sightedness of the people who decided that Newton
could never be a viable proposition and needed to be discontinued, and then
despite the last 11 years of development in technology and the last 11 years
of the Newton Community's history, apparently keep deciding that a
resurrected Newton still isn't a viable proposition. The whole thing is
incomprehensible to me.
IMO the kind of person who decides that needs to have his feet placed in a
large pot of topsoil, and the pot should be watered twice a week. He's not
safe to be allowed out by himself. I'm sure that's unfair, unkind,
uncharitable to the person(s) responsible, as well as insulting to all the
relatively intelligent vegetation that covers the planet. Maybe I should
even apologize, but I can't get away from how amazing an updated Newton
would be. I can't even get away from how amazing the Newton I have now
already is. And when I see the reactions of people the first time they see
a Newton being used, I *know* there would be a market.
I doubt anyone is mad at you Frank -- we're all in the same boat, and you
said what a lot of us feel from time to time.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
łAny sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.˛
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Tue May 13 10:36:08 2008
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