My only thought is to use a Wacom drawing tablet and really show the
handwriting recognition for what it is worth. Out of all the Newton's
features handwriting recognition is the one feature the iPhone or iPod
Touch cannot beat.
Thomas Brand
On Feb 1, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Frank Lowney wrote:
> Now the challenge is to figure out what to show this audience of
> iPhone and iPod users, some of whom may have never seen a Newton. At
> first I thought that showing a few of the more popular apps in use
> around 1997 or so would be the right way to pay tribute to the Newton
> and its influence upon all subsequent devices in this genre. However,
> further reflection suggests to me that showing the things that have
> been be done on the Newton that parallel things that people are using
> iPhones do with their mobile device might be better. WiFi, Web
> Browsing, E-Mail, etc.
> Your thoughts on that are most welcome.
> Oh yes, there's one more thing: Since this is just the intro to a 20
> minute presentation, I'll have to keep the time on this clip down to
> 1-2 minutes.
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Received on Sun Feb 1 19:12:55 2009
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