Hello to you all. Happy New Year (a little bit late!).
I own a Newton MP 2000 and I had the 2010 patch installed. At the
beginning of the new year I removed the patch due to the problems we all
had with it.
This morning I think I'm facing a problem that I suppose is generated
from the removed patch. In december I've set an Alarm for a birthday
(for tomorrow), and I had set a 24-h warning.
Now this morning I fired up my Newton and the popup appeared, but now
the Newton seems to be in a loop, it chimes continuously, and if I try
to close the Snooze/delete alarm popup, it closes, but in less than a
second it pops up again with a chime. It's impossible to stop the wild
chime/popup activity.
Now I've removed the battery, trying to reset the internal clock.
Is anybody facing the same problem?
-- Lionello
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Received on Tue Jan 13 04:08:22 2009
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