[NTLK] Who here thinks the iPad is a worthy replacement for the Newton?

Ryan newtontalk at me.com
Fri Mar 12 17:57:13 EST 2010

I really like the handwriting recognition on the Newton... kudos to  
Larry on that. In today's world though, where most people are now  
touch typists and with accurate speech recognition, handwriting is not  
the preferred input.

Using soeech recognition, I can craft emails so much faster than  
typing, which means it's hard to go back to something that is much  
slower. HR is great for filling out forms and shorter things like  
that, but with other built in technologies on the iPad, like  
predictive text, etc., the importance of a stylus comes down to  
graphic design applications.

And with a big, bright beautiful screen and large virtual keyboard, HR  
does not have much of a place on the iPad.

What I would like to see on the iPad is data soups talking to each  
other more, like the experience on the Newt. Right now it's a mess of  
140,000 apps soon to be ported that don't really link into one  
another. This is a major shortcoming with this platform as I am  

However, I don't really use any of those apps so I what I am excited  
about is iWork, iBooks, Email, Safari, iPhoto and iTunes. It's going  
to be great for music and video...

Thank you,


On 2010-03-12, at 2:35 PM, Ed Kummel <tech_ed at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The functionality that makes the Newton a "Newt" are:
> 1) Handwriting
> 2) Intelligent handwriting interpretation (this is different given  
> that any device can accept and translate handwriting, yet very few  
> can make intelligent decisions based on prior corrections made by  
> the user)
> 3)

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