[NTLK] encrypting works

Grant Hutchinson splorp at mac.com
Fri Apr 22 13:29:20 EDT 2011

On Apr 19, 2011, at 8:44 PM, Dan wrote:

> Nope, it only protects the data that is in the notepad.  Globally the
> folder is still accessible to file for other soups.

Yes, that makes sense. Like I said, I hadn't tried it out myself.

> One workaround that might be feasible is use works for the data entry,
> then use route to works to move it to notepad and encrypt it there.   
> But
> I would still prefer something in works itself.

Integrated encryption would be the best way to go.

> I am surprised that there isn't a package that does this.  The way the
> packages can share data and route it around, seems odd that no one had
> added encryption option that works for any package that can use  
> routing.

I'm also surprised that this was never created as an add on to Works.  
I wonder how much work it would be for Eckhart to adapt The Fish to  
work system wide?



Grant Hutchinson
NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian


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