[NTLK] Einstein query

Reilly001os at aol.com Reilly001os at aol.com
Tue Dec 6 22:53:59 EST 2011

Is there a way to dump the flash of a real newton to a file (like we've done with the rom) and use it as your flash file? Essentially copying your real newton.

Joe Reilly

Matthias Melcher <mm at matthiasm.com> wrote:

>On 07.12.2011, at 01:21, Bob Carls Dudney wrote:
>> Einstein doesn't accept existing Newton data?
>> That's a killer!
>Well, we currently do not have a serial port emulation. Network emulation partially works, at least on OS X, so you can use that to sync your data. Once you have created a Flash file, it will run on any platform that runs Einstein.
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