[NTLK] OT PowerMac G4 500 Mhz AGP

Tony Morrow gizmo1482 at gmail.com
Sun May 15 11:16:13 EDT 2011

On May 15, 2011, at 12:40 AM, R A Parker wrote:

> Who needs a serial port when you can use WiFi? I have a G4-500AGP in my office that I switch on specifically for an AppleTalk Bridge. I'm able to connect my Newton using a USB WiFi dongle on the G4 (in Ad Hoc mode) at high speed to NCU and NTK running under Classic mode.
> <http://www.newted.org/raparker/newton/HOWTO-WirelessAppleTalk.pdf>
> Never under-estimate a Mac that can still run Classic.
> Moo.

One issue is what if your Newton doesn't have NIE and network card/wifi driver installed? I'm sure some users are like myself and keep all backups stored on my computer instead of a memory card. The only way to get networking installed would be to use a serial connection or the Newtontalk card loaner program.

I agree with you R A. Running NCU over Appletalk is a very powerful combination. Package installations and backups are incredibility fast. I just with there was a way to get NCU working on an Intel mac. so far I've been unsuccessful in getting NCU under W.I.N.E to work. I also cannot get Basilisk or SheepShaver to work with my Keyspan serial adapter or configure it to use the wireless card of my computer instead of NAT.

-Tony Morrow

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