[NTLK] Connecting My MP2000U to Anything.

Max Smith maxmaxmaxmaxsmith at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 23:43:14 EST 2011

For that much, you could have an Ethernet PCMCIA card, dongle, and crossover cable, which could end up being much easier in the long run.

Just my two cents.


On Nov 14, 2011, at 11:25 PM, William T <wllm_t at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mystery one now solved.  Guess I've bent up the pegs on my 8 pin connector trying to connect it my old PC's... I should be able to bend those back.  Amazon is showing one of those Keyspan 28's (Used) for $25.   Is that a good deal, and more importantly, will that work with the Mac?
> Again, Thanks,
> William

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