[NTLK] Fitaly?

Bob Adamson adamson at aol.com
Mon Sep 8 18:30:06 EDT 2014

Hey Sonny, hope the girls are all treating you well.  Or was your last one a boy?  Nonetheless, fitaly only has a value, if someone values it enough to purchase it.  Otherwise it is useless.  I think there is an interest in the program.  Anyone who used it to input text would agree that it was an intellectual property, but today???????  If promoted to the smartphone community, I have to believe it would have value.  However, seeing my 24 yr old daughter texting is like watching a blind man use braille,

Bob Adamson
On Sep 8, 2014, at 4:35 PM, Sonny Hung wrote:

> Hello NTLK,
> Let me chime on this one item so that it's stated somewhere here.
> Thank you Frank for providing the URL.
> 1) The last communication I had with the wife of the developer for FITALY I
> was able to get a positive answer regarding licensing. She offered to
> generate registration codes to any Newton User. However afterwards someone
> had attempted to contact her for a code, but it was taking too long for
> them to get a registration code from her. I then contacted her again back
> then and discovered that the software to generate a registration code
> resided on one computer in her husband's old office and there were some
> issues with it possibly iirc. I was unable to discuss further with her, but
> I think I needed to speak with her son about it.
> 2) If anyone is interested in actually getting something done about FITALY
> then I suggest you call them on a land line to discuss it. If I get any
> free time I'll see if I can call them up to follow up on this, but remember
> this was a few years back and the longer we wait the lower our chances are.
> The software has intellectual property and they will not release it to the
> public since it's still has value.
> God bless,
> Sonny Hung
> the Hung Family
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Frank Gruendel <newtontalk at pda-soft.de>
> wrote:
>> I haven't a clue if it is still available, but it probably wouldn't hurt
>> to have a look here: <http://www.fitaly.com/newton/newtfitaly.htm>
>> At least the demo version is still available for download both for PCs and
>> Macs.
>> Frank
>> -- Newton software and hardware at http://www.pda-soft.de
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