[NTLK] 2000 battery pack temperature switch
Woody Smith
woodysmith at me.com
Wed Sep 27 17:55:00 PDT 2023
Looks incorrectly wired. Thermistor should be connected to contacts on under side of battery pack and red and black wires T end connectors I believe red is positive.
While probably not safe without the temperature fuse, if battery’s are in series it should work. I’m not sure how the ends of the batteries opposite of the contacts were connected. When I’ve rebuilt a battery pack I used tabbed batteries and soldered the connections. I used existing “temperature fuse”, not actually a fuse.
See Frank’s site for images.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 27, 2023, at 5:35 PM, Christian Burk <omahane at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Forrest,
> I will reach out to you directly about next steps, but I wanted to show
> what I was talking about to the whole list.
> Here are the batteries and the pack (after I removed the batteries):
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/83eahk6k7dww12fg4q9vc/newon-2000-battery-pack-front.jpeg?rlkey=d7trs0i1yf6yenfnem2yrpsxq&dl=0
> Here are the batteries from the end that should have the temperature switch
> but I don't think it's there. I am not actually sure. What I am sure about
> is that one of the batteries looks like it leaked.
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/if50ljcz6lflodhhdjqxo/newton-2000-battery-pack-temperature-switch-side.jpeg?rlkey=b8pu4mq5sukggmehlmubw9hvy&dl=0
> Here is the inside of the empty pack with what looks like a damaged RMP, as
> it's called on the pda-soft site:
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ins2okyenvehp2bslkqln/newton-2000-battery-pack-inside.jpeg?rlkey=855oickpmepqfdu9yt1w0wbyl&dl=0
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