[NTLK] 2000 battery pack temperature switch
newton_phoenix at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 27 22:04:18 PDT 2023
I would add that the RMP is really nothing more than a metal disc. I would go to the hardware store, get some thin sheet metal and simply cut a new one and solder to that—that’s what I have done in the past with a torn-up one like yours.
It is enormously helpful that you have been to Frank’s site and have seen what things are supposed to look like. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Saves all the trouble of trying to describe what you should have and apparently don’t. For example, I’ve not seen a thermistor that looks like that with a small capacitor on the end, but again I’ve left mine stuck to the white piece of tape and so have not seen one “naked”, so to speak.
Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 11
> On Sep 27, 2023, at 3:35 PM, Christian Burk <omahane at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Forrest,
> I will reach out to you directly about next steps, but I wanted to show
> what I was talking about to the whole list.
> Here are the batteries and the pack (after I removed the batteries):
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/83eahk6k7dww12fg4q9vc/newon-2000-battery-pack-front.jpeg?rlkey=d7trs0i1yf6yenfnem2yrpsxq&dl=0
> Here are the batteries from the end that should have the temperature switch
> but I don't think it's there. I am not actually sure. What I am sure about
> is that one of the batteries looks like it leaked.
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/if50ljcz6lflodhhdjqxo/newton-2000-battery-pack-temperature-switch-side.jpeg?rlkey=b8pu4mq5sukggmehlmubw9hvy&dl=0
> Here is the inside of the empty pack with what looks like a damaged RMP, as
> it's called on the pda-soft site:
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ins2okyenvehp2bslkqln/newton-2000-battery-pack-inside.jpeg?rlkey=855oickpmepqfdu9yt1w0wbyl&dl=0
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