>.. Ok, I'm confused. Are you saying you just popped a pc card into your newton
>and got it working wirelessly with the base station, or not? If you are staying
>that we can have untethered newtons, WOOHOO!
Not at all...I used a Farallon Ethernet card, connected to the AirPort Base Station by crossover cable. I thought that I'd need a computer equipped with AirPort software to pass along a request to the base station (which has a built-in modem) to initiate a dial-up connection, but the MessagePad can do this through the Ethernet connection. I suppose it's only really a useful tip if you don't have a modem card (or if you have an older, slower modem card).
You *can* have an untethered MessagePad...sort of...connecting to an AirPort-equipped computer using NCU and AppleTalk. (Mine was connected to the AirPort Base Station, but I was in another room with the iBook.)
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