> Now the next trick is to get IP forwarding working:
> enter the following command at a shell prompt:
> echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> and/or on Red Hat change the line FORWARD_IPV4=no in /etc/sysconfig/network
> to FORWARD_IPV4=yes
Implying, that firewalling and gateway support is compiled into the
kernel (which is not in most distributions).
Older SuSE distributions require to set
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to "1",
newer ones have an entry in /etc/rc.config which automatically sets
the ip_forward value at network startup.
The Hongkong Newton Users Group (HKNUG) once had an
installation guide how to accomplish the same thing with Windows
NT RAS, which is the way I am doing this at the office.
Oliver Fels | e-mail:
IQena GmbH | o.fels@iqena.com
Team Manager JAVA-/IT-Security | http://www.iqena.com
Friedrichshafen, Germany |
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