> > Roberto Buccione schrieb:
> >> Does anyone know of a software power-off button that will work on Avi's
> >> backdrop? I have one but it only appears on the note application (I
have a
> >> 2100).
> > What about moving it to the button bar? If you use DashBoard you could
> > set-up a power-off script. That's what I did.
> > Regards / Viele Gruesse
> Thanks! But if only I knew how to do that....!
> Ciao, Roberto
Knew how to do what?... power off script w/DB? Easy - go to Dash
Board Prefs, select LAUNCHER. Create a new shortcut. I use Z to
sleep and X to reset. Pick your letter, tap 'special item' and select
SLEEP. Next time you wanna put your Newton to bed, just write
Z (or whatever letter{s} you select) and it'll go night-night!
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