Dear Gary,
Thank you for all your thoughtful posts in NewtonTalk. I've been a
list-lurker for a year now, and your posts have helped me use my MP2000 to
it's utmost.
Thanks again, and Happy Thanksgiving,
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 11:41:18 PST
From: "Gary Moody" <>
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!
Message-ID: <>
Hi Folks,
I was just thinking of the things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving
holiday (for those not familiar, a US holiday celebrating the first winter's
survival of the Pilgrim settlers in the New World), and my NewtonTalk
friends came to mind.
So, I just wanted to take the time to wish you and yours a joyous holiday
season! Happy Thanksgiving!
William Michels, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Biotica Research Corp.
851 W. Midway Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 337-1830-voice
(510) 749-6862-fax
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