On 1999-11-26 15:50, Michael Alan Jones wrote:
>Press is readily available, so why would anyone use BookMaker?
I use Book Maker to create the ebooks of the Internet Movie Database.
It's impossible to use Press because it does not have a programmatic
interface. Book Maker allows me to specify the nested table of contents
for the 1800+ movies, link together the movies alphabetically to advance
immediately to the next title even with multiple pages per movie, link
the Top 250 and AFI 100 lists together to allow the user to navigate
forward or backward in numerical order as well as jump to the ordered
listing at the end of the book right to the page the movie is listed on
and then jump back, link the plot descriptions and actors to jump to the
first page of the movie, and a lot more if I knew NewtonScript.
Finally, in spite of how slow Book Maker is (hundreds of times slower
than the equivalent tools for the Palm), it's more stable than Press in
my experience.
So in summary, use Press when you're doing everything manually. Use Book
Maker when you want the computer to do the work for you.
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