RMV wrote:
> Ladies & Gentlemen,
> Using an upgraded MP2000, NOS 2.1, connected to a PowerMac (OS 8.6) using
> Appletalk.
> NCU seems to work fine to back up the Newton and cards. It allowed me to Export a
> NewtWorks paper to MS Word 6.0; however, . . .
> I created text (with carriage return) files in MS Word 98 and named them Notes,
> ToDo, Names, Dates. When I started the Synchronize process, and I was required to
> associate a file to the application, I could not find the file names in the folder
> I saved them even though the file type was set to "All Files". (I checked, they
> were still there). I also tried saving an empty Notes file in SimpleText, but
> again the synchronize feature would not let me see that file to choose it. So,
> next I tried to export my various types of data (Notes, ToDo, etc) to text files,
> thinking that that would provide me a base file to which I could synchronize. It
> started the export, then NCU on the Newton shutdown and I got an "Could not
> complete the export because an error has occurred. (type -1)"
Did you check to see if the error is always happening at the same point? When you're
exporting, you should have a progression dialog that tells you what is currently
exported. If you try the export again, check to see where it happens. It might also
works the second time. Sometimes, when I try to back up using an Ethernet card in my
MP, I get this connection error. If I try the backup again, then it works.
In your case, if the error is repeatable, and is always happening at the same place,
check to see that piece of information in the package that created it. Ex.: if it says
"Exporting Notes", and the error always happens there, then open the Notes package and
verify every single note you have. One note might be corrupted for some reason. When
you get to the offending note, you should get an alert message of some sort. See if
you can delete this note.
-- -Laurent. ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply****************************************** This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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