>> X-Port from my recent research is one app that I plan
>> to try.
>> Wish they offered a demo but I guess given the nature
>> of that
>> piece of software, they cannot.
> Paul - there is an XPLite that from my understanding was free use.
> It's a limited scaled down version (kind of a demo/promo piece).
> I don't think Landware offers it anymore. I could email it to you
> when I get back from vacation. X-Port is actually on my soon-
> to-purchase list. It seems to be much more stable than NCU
> and I'd like the other features as well. Drop me your email address.
Even *I* can't remember all the different versions of X-Port that we
did, and I'm the one that built them! XPlite was, depending on which
version you got, typically a one-trick-pony - either package install only,
package export only, image import only, etc. I don't think we ever released
a lite version that moved text, but I could be wrong.
The reason we don't have a demo is complicated, and has changed over
time. Originally, it was because we couldn't come up with a way to limit
it's use so that it wasn't useful to people who needed it "just this once"
and have it still be useful as a demo. Now it's mainly because it takes
time to build in demo-expiration/limitation features, and I don't have the
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