On 11/30/99 5:11 PM, Woo Lee [mailto:vitcitylb@earthlink.net] wrote:
>6. Newton OS 1.x have problems with reading memory cards that have the
>store's name changed. I have a MP100 that had a 10 meg. Pretec 5v/12v
>card that accidently added a 's' to it's name('10 meg./1.3 card'-->'10
>meg./1.3 cards'). Couldn't read the card. Deleted the 's' and all was
>well. Whew!
You're using a 10MB card in a MP100? BAD idea. Last I heard, you
should only use cards
up to 4MB in size in an MP100 or _any_ OS 1.3 Newton.
Does it work reliably? Does it backup? Does it restore?
- Bill
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