am I missing the point here? I loaded this onto my MP130 (not sure which
version but I only downloaded it yesterday) and it did not seem to do
anything except give me an error message when I tried to open notes.
Paul Guyot <pguyot@pnm-consulting.com> on 08/12/99 06:41:46
Please respond to newtontalk@planetnewton.com
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
cc: Paul Hayward <phayward@idirect.com> (bcc: Stephen Beesley/NNTT/AU)
Subject: NTLK [ANN] alt.rec.... 0.6a3
Hi all fellow NewtonTalkers,
P&M Consulting Newton Program is pleased to announce alt.rec.... 0.6a3.
It can be downloaded from:
What's new since 0.6a2?
Many bugs were fixed. (OK, I know, I published 0.6a1, then 0.6a2 the
following day (i.e. yesterday) and here I am again. The thing is that 0.6a1
existed for several days when I published it, and I only realized that
there was a nasty bug in it yesterday. I realized there was bugs in 0.6a2
today. But if I realize there are bugs in 0.6a3 tomorrow, I'll probably
won't publish 0.6a4 tomorrow, too [I'm pretty busy until the 17th], so I
suggest that you keep a copy of 0.5a3. However, I'm pretty confident in
this version).
Now it works properly with correct. It removes itself properly. It no
longer use an increasing amount of heap. It has been a little bit
accelerated. It now offers to learn the word downcase if it is upcase (as
with system tools).
Improvements in next version(s) will include:
a) a better intelligent system for words elections (just the interface is
missing actually)
b) a better spell checking mechanism (I'll try to make it on the fly, if
c) an idea I've been suggested a few weeks ago: it could define an
expansion on the fly without opening the prefs, just by typing words and
opening the correct menu then selecting a special icon on it:
for example, one could write:
Deleuze (Dz)
then select Deleuze (or maybe not, it could do that everytime), then double
tap (Dz) and then select a special line/btn in the popup, so that the
Dz -> Deleuze would be added (as in usual notes in abbreviations: I got
this idea in a philosophy course when my neighbor wrote this to remind the
abbreviation): what do you think about it?
d) a change in the style in the correction popup, so that one could know if
the word exists in the dictionary (I though I could use plain text for
This is an old idea I tried to implement several months ago, and the
problem was that you cannot have style in popups (at least with NOS 2.1,
maybe this will be implemented in NOS 3.0, with hierarchical menus as well
-> this is for the Bowels project). Hence I need to do a picture, but I
think it is doable.
What do you think about it?
BTW, for those of you who wouldn't know what alt.rec.... is, let me say
that you probably need it, especially if you use Rosetta (printing
handwriting). But it has only been stress-tested on our MP2100, although it
has been compiled for NOS 2.0 (120/2.0 & higher). All docs can be found on
the web site:
(this is no absolute URL, since we are re-designing the site these days
with a technology of ours, HTK, and it will replace .var files)
Paul Guyot
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