>Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 08:26:18 -0500
>From: "Steve Vander Ark" <vderark@bccs.org>
>I did get NIE 1.1 running and I'm running SimpleMail and NewtsCape just
>fine. Being kind of excited to get this up and running (my ethernet card),
>and not being able to wait for a few days for my dongle, I think I'll try to
>download the 2.0 file I need today using the modem. But now another
>question...the Enabler part isn't available as a package on the net, only as
>part of the archive that you download. If I put just the package that I need
>on my website and make a link to it (eg. www.mysite.com/enabler.pkg), will
>the Newton just go ahead and download it if I click on that link?
you should be able to download the .pkg file directly using Newt's Cape
(assuming the server provides one of several MIME types); other browsers
should work also; you might want to stash the result in Inbox initially
until you're done since I don't know if live installing a NIE module might
interfere with a connection. (it shouldn't, but...)
if you don't have individual .pkg files available online, another
possibility is to visit the www.palmzip.com site, assuming you've got a URL
for .zip file containing all NIE modules. the server unzips the URL for you
and gives you links to individual files. (I discovered this recently since
many Palm PDB book files are zipped).
NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...
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