Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> Wow, if you did it with the version I put on my website at
>, that's really impressive. What people need to keep
> in
> mind is that there are at least 2 versions floating around. Mine, which is
> just
> a translation from the japanese version, and somebody else put another
> version,
> where, I think, he tripled the duration of play.
OK, to make it clear: I did the "other" version of the Remote Town, altough
it is probably pritty the same (
all i did is english translation and minor correction, so there is no harder
or easier version released. (NTLK comes to me as a digest in the middle of
the night here in europe, so sometimes i am doing or writing things allready
done and written... sorry for that.) what i am working on now is a version
that will let you continue to build your town after a goal is met, i.e. with
population over 60K (?) in the first 21 year cycle you will get a "congrats"
message instead of "thanks for your trouble", statistics graph will reset
and you may continue to build your old town. this should make potential
gamers busy until MP2X00 version or SimCity Classic clone is cloned finally.
i was testing modified version of the game (tripled playtime, multiplied
income) to see its limitations but never released this version public (it
crashes when those limitations are met). i anyone else is improving Remote
Town lets keep together, it is silly to do the same work several times. i
may even send you what i did so far and enjoy YOUR version of the Remote
Town in the future with others!
Michael Vacik
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