Re: NTLK NTLK: Switching To Windoze

From: Janis Shetley (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 23:38:53 EST

I connect my mp2100 to a win98 laptop all the time. The only "special"
software that really helped me was slowdown.exe. I simply could not backup
my MP consistently or quickly without this little app. It depends on how
fast your new laptop is - you may never have a problem. I never had a
problem until I went from a 166 to a 300 PII laptop. Let us know if you
discover any new problems.....

> Im switching to a windows98 laptop. Is there anything special I
> should be worried about with my BELOVED MP2K?
> Is there any super special software that im going to have to use?

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