NTLK memory cards

From: Glen (Glen@post5.tele.dk)
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 01:38:12 EST

>Neither in my 120 nor in my 130. Mark (pbraham@earthlink.net) offered to
>take them back and refund my money (I love that uncomplicated way to do
>business!). If anyone of our german friends wants one, I can
>maybe save me the money and him the hassle.
>I have three, and I'd sell them for DM 75,00 each.

I'd be very interested in buying one of your cards. I'm not in
Germany, but Denmark isn't too far. If you still have one, drop me a
line and I'll get the details of where to send you a check.
Buying in the wrong equipment for the wrong machine can be a bit of a
frustating time. I just came home with a 168 pin ram chip that
doesn't quite fit my Powermac. Thought I was getting a deal with a
very good price. Oh well.

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