On 12/15/99 2:49 AM, stephenb@nntt.gov.au [mailto:stephenb@nntt.gov.au]
>Does anybody out there have experience using a Hayes Optima 336 modem with
>a Newton. I have been trying to use one with my MP130 and so far the only
>thing I have managed to do is fax out. (although I have not really tried
>connecting to my ISP). I have been using the Hayes compatible driver
>setting or the Hayes 28.8.
Do you mean the PCMCIA card version or an external? I have a Hayes Optima
336 PCMCIA card modem that works fine on my 2000 and 2100 using the "28.8
and faster" modem setup in NIE 2.0 and NewtonOS 2.1. The 130's NIE is a
bit different but it sounds like the same setting I'm using (my ISP only
had 28.8 modems at the time; I haven't used the modem recently because I
now connect at home via Ethernet and USWest Megabit ADSL at 640kpbs
instead of dialup at 28.8kpbs, woohoo!)
I've used it to connect to the Internet via PPP and to send faxes. Not
sure if I tried to receive faxes though, probably not but I can't
remember for sure.
>I suppose my main question is whetehr there is a specific driver available
>out there that will work with this modem?
None I've ever seen and it shouldn't be needed, I'd bet. Should work fine
with any of the Hayes drivers, I'd think. I've NEVER had a problem with
a Hayes modem using the default settings of most modem programs on most
computers. Too bad they went out of business. (They should have licensed
the use of the terms "Hayes compatible" or "AT Command set compatible"
<grin> and had qualification tests. We'd all have a lot less modem
problems if they had, I think.)
If all else fails, find Modem Modifier (there's probably a link on
www.dnug.dk to their modem section, or in their Newton Versions section
at http://www.dnug.dk/versions/)
- Bill
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