I had considered the same thing. I have converted the first Tarzan book into
the MP2k format, and it wasn't an insignificant thing. But it was worth it.
I hope, in a short while, to dedicate part of my web site to MP2k books
available by FTP. Just takes time. Knowing that there is some interest out
there motivates me a bit more.
If any one is interested in the manual method I used to translate the book I
did, let me know. I am sure someone, somewhere can write a program to do it
more easily. I haven't heard of any availability of the Newton Book source
files, but I can't imagine that someone, somewhere doesn't have them.
THX 1138 wrote:
> >> On the subject of Newton books. I know many are out there but I would
> >> like to think about starting an archive for the Newton Press files,
> >> so that others can take books and reformat them for MP 2000 or for
> >> 120, as needed. I would love to have the Sherlock Holmes series to
> >> read, but he small screen size of the current books is too small. If
> >> the Newton Book files were available, I could just redo them and read.
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