On 12/20/99 9:42 AM, Laurent Daudelin
[mailto:laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com] wrote:
>Newton Backup Utilities (NBU) is for devices running Newton OS 2.0 only. It
>won't work with your 120 running NOS 1.3. You need to use Newton Connection
>Utilities (NCK) to backup/restore/install packages on a NOS 1.3 device.
Whoops, not quite! Looks like a typo there, Laurent! (Why'd these
things have to have such similar names, Apple?)
- Newton Connection UTILITIES (NCU) is for OS2.x Newtons
- Newton Connection KIT (NCK) is for OS1.x Newtons
- Newton Backup Utility (NBU) as I recall was used to backup my 1.3
Newton as part of the 2.0 upgrade of my 120, but that's been a number of
years and I may be misremembering. I think it _will_ work with 2.0
Newtons though, but I'd use NCU instead. NBU is apparently just as
stripped down/unfinished NCU...
-Bill Davis
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