On 12/28/99 8:01 AM, Adam Dunn [mailto:adamdunn@webtime.com.au] wrote:
>Hi All,
>Just upgraded from an MP100 to MP130 that was still unopened in the box.
>My question is about the software to run it for work. I'm a manager/carer
>for people with profound disabilities. Basically I'm after a simple word
>processor, database for notes and files for the individuals I assist
You might be able to use AvailWorks from (I think) Pelicanware for a word
processor. Otherwise the only wordprocessor available is with
NewtonWorks, which is only for 2x00's and eMates.
There are several databases available for Newton (FilePad, Leverage, and
others; look at This Old Newt's links page for some databases.)
>(simplicity and easy access a must), and a referencing program for uni.
Dunno what you mean by a "referencine program for uni". Please give more
>Actually I might add a stress managment program, just looking back at my
>year that was.
By that do you mean a "game"? ;-) Or some software specific to your job
- Bill
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