On 12/28/99 8:13 AM, Lista_Newton@clube.interlink.com.br
[mailto:Lista_Newton@clube.interlink.com.br] wrote:
>I would like to know also about Internet... Is possible to connect to the
>Internet with PM120 + NOS 1.3 (4643553)?
>Is there any kind of PPP for me? Where could I d/l it? Does work NIE in my
No, to both questions. You need OS 2.0 for NIE, if I recall correctly.
>If I am able to connect... what are the best softwares that could I use to
>WWW and Email?
You MIGHT be able to use WWW via e-mail using Newt's Cape if you can find
the email software to allow email access via a Unix shell dialup account.
But that's it.
>Well... I am Servers Manager in a Mac ISP (Servers are all Macs), and some
>times I need to receive my Email when I am not in my house or im my city.
Well, since your servers are all Macs, not Unix, it's unlikely you'll be
able to use the Unix shell software since you don't have a Unix shell....
Basically, you'll need to upgrade to at least a MessagePad 130 to get
decent Internet access via PPP. You can BARELY do it with a 120 with OS
2.0, but I don't recommend it unless you like pain.
>I would like, also, say that... all that I am able to do to help Newton
>Users over Internet... any Internet solution.
>Take a look at:
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