>Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 19:40:55 EST
>From: EqualityFL@aol.com
>To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
>Subject: Re: NTLK Update for Mac OS 9 Users
>Message-ID: <0.6ad606f2.259d5597@aol.com>
>Is this for real? I went to the Apple website and could not find this
>>From: es2@earthlink.net (Efrain Suarez II)
>>Reply-to: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
>>To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
>>I thought that this might be an issue for users running Mac OS 9 with a
>>perminate connection to the iNet.
>>Efrain Suarez II
>>All Things Newton
>> --
Some updates for specific hardware are available for Mac OS-9 users (G4
and DV iMacs) but rumors have it that a 9.1 updater will be available for
all OS-9 users after the January MacWorld show.
Mark Ross
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